⚡ Oh! Another HTML5 video player. Do More, Keep it simple.
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- Streaming - support for hls.js (opens in a new tab), flv,mpegts (opens in a new tab), dash.js (opens in a new tab), webtorrent (opens in a new tab) and any other custom streaming playback
- Fullscreen - supports native fullscreen with fallback to "full window" modes
- Shortcuts - supports keyboard shortcuts
- Picture-in-Picture - supports picture-in-picture mode
- Multiple captions - support for multiple caption tracks(SRT, WEBVTT)
- i18n support - support for internationalization of controls
- Preview thumbnails - support for displaying preview thumbnails (spirit or vtt (opens in a new tab))
- No frameworks - written in "vanilla" JavaScript, no dependencies required
- Chromecast (opens in a new tab) - cast video to your device
- AirPlay (opens in a new tab) - cast video to apple device
- Playlist (opens in a new tab) - supports playlist list ui
- Danmaku (opens in a new tab) - biu biu biu ~
- ... and much more!
Who use OPlayer?
- Feel free to submit yours in Let me know! (opens in a new tab)
- UPV (opens in a new tab) - free anime no ads
- Binged (opens in a new tab) - Binged - Watch Movies & TV Shows Free
- NUSANIME (opens in a new tab) - Nonton Anime Sub Indo | Nonton Anime Subtitle Indonesia Gratis
Animex (opens in a new tab) - Watch Anime for free in HD quality with English subbed or dubbed.NGEWIBU.TV (opens in a new tab) - Nonton Anime Sub Indo | Nonton Anime Subtitle Indonesia Gratis
If you think this is super cool, or useful, and want to donate a little, then you are also super cool!
This project is helped by Jetbrains (opens in a new tab) with their open source program. More information here (opens in a new tab)